Generate PDF from Java

Add fast template-based document generation to Java applications.

docmosis java
  • Templates enable non-developers and end-users to easily create and change the content and layout of PDF documents.
  • Changes to documents can take place outside of normal software development lifecycles.

Docmosis has been designed for high performance PDF generation from Java applications. Single page documents are typically generated sub-second. The ability to perform parallel and distributed processing makes it possible to generate hundred-of-thousands of documents per hour.

Generate PDF Documents from Java applications with Docmosis.

// Configuration and initialisation
Configuration config = new Configuration(licenseKey, site, path); SystemManager.initialise(config);

// Create a data provider and add some “key”:”value” pairs
DataProviderBuilder dpb = new DataProviderBuilder();
dpb.add(“message”, “This docgen engine is working great!”)

// Specify template and output files and formats
File templateFile = new File(“myTemplate.docx”);
File outputFile = new File(“result.pdf”);

// Generate the document
DocumentProcessor.renderDoc(templateFile, outputFile, dpb.getDataProvider());

An API-First Approach

The integration with Java depends upon the product.

The Cloud or Tornado products:

  • Use as a Web Service via a REST API.
  • Send JSON or XML data using HTTPS POST.
  • Data is merged with a template to generate a document.
  • Generated documents can be: returned as a stream in the response; emailed; stored to AWS S3.

The Docmosis-Java product:

  • A JAR file embedded in the Java application.
  • Data provided as: JSON or XML (recommended); Delimited text; Java POJOs; Database queries.
  • Write documents to File or OutputStream.

PDF Generation using Templates

How to create PDF files from Java.

  • Create templates using Microsoft Word or LibreOffice Writer. No special plugins needed.
  • Leverage these richly featured editors to: specify page size/margins; design headers and footers; format tables and lay out images; create bullet and numbered lists; add page numbering or table of contents.
  • Add plain-text placeholders, just by typing, to control the position and behaviour of dynamic content.
  • The Java application sends data to be merged with the template.
  • Docmosis will: insert text/images into the body, headers and footers; conditionally add/remove any content; perform calculations; loop over repeating data to fill tables or lists; format data/numbers and much more.
  • The generated document is converted to the PDF format and delivered as instructed.

Side-by-Side Product Comparison

All three products provide access to the same powerful engine.

Cloud Tornado Docmosis-Java
logo cloud logo tornado logo docmosis-java
Suitable For

Teams that prefer someone else to manage and monitor the infrastructure and ensure service availability.

The easiest way to try Docmosis.

Fastest way to complete proof of concept.

Teams that already host, run and manage their own application servers.

Easily switch between Cloud/Tornado during proof of concept by changing web service URL.

Requires some setup to run the engine.

Teams that have an approved Java stack to meet internal requirements.

Moving from code-based PDF libraries so non-developers can contribute to document changes.

Requires more detailed understanding when embedding in Java application.

Common Features

Create templates in DOCX (Microsoft Word) and ODT (LibreOffice Writer).

Generate documents in PDF, DOCX, ODT and TXT formats.


SaaS hosted using AWS.

Processing occurs in user-controlled regions (US, EU, AU).

Scales under load to provide a fast, high-availability and reliable service.

Monitored 24/7 by our team with published:

  • Status and notifications page
  • Monthly uptime history

Self-hosted stand-alone application.

Options to run multi-threaded and distribute load over multiple servers.

  • Public cloud (eg: AWS or Azure)
  • Linux or Windows
  • Containerized approach (eg: Docker)


Java Library that requires the installation of additional software dependencies.

Options to run multi-threaded and distribute load over multiple servers.

Configuration options to control:

  • Timing of start up
  • Location and registration of templates
Unique Features

API includes template management features (Upload, List, Delete, Batch, etc.)

Web Console where users can: upload templates/images; test document rendering; manage the account. With enterprise features:

  • Multiple users
  • Multiple environments

Designed to run in a protected environment where network access is restricted.

Store and source templates from:

  • Local file storage
  • AWS S3
  • Azure Blob Storage

Designed to run in a protected environment where network access is restricted.

Javadoc provides detailed documentation from within Java IDE.


Usage based pricing (pages/month)

Starts from $49 / month.

No overage charges. No blocking at quota.

One-off fee for a perpetual license.

Includes access to support/updates for 12 months.

Optional annual renewal of support/updates.

One-off fee for a perpetual license.

Includes access to support/updates for 12 months.

Optional annual renewal of support/updates.

Trusted by Customers Worldwide

Used in Finance, Insurance, Health, Legal, Education, HR, Transport & Logistics, and more…

icon saas


Adding user-customizable
reports to their platforms.

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Automating the generation of
client-facing documents.

icon corporation


Replacing legacy, code-based
document generation systems.

icon professional


Looking for an easy way to
generate bespoke documents.

"One of the best examples of a software company going above and beyond."
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Ron Mouw
Paperwork Pros, Inc., United States
testimonial paperworkpros
"Amazing customer service and the product works great."
icon stars
Randall Tallent
Marriott Vacations Worldwide Corporation, United States
testimonial marriott
"Docmosis Cloud is an easy way to generate PDFs via a REST API."
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Vinod Vasnani
Qryptal, Singapore
testimonial qryptal
"We’ve not had a single issue so far with thousands of documents."
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Alex Sena
Seaglass, United Kingdom
testimonial seaglass
"Docmosis Lets Us Worry About One Less Thing"
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Greg Browne
BlueDriver, Canada
testimonial bluedriver
"Then we found Docmosis which can do the PDF conversions for us. Now, we don’t even look back at doing it any other way."
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Evac Guide, Australia
testimonial evac guide
"We needed something that was quick to get going. Docmosis fit the bill"
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Iain McKinley & Connor Kelly
Bridgeall, UK
testimonial bridgeall
"Docmosis has allowed us to integrate a document templating solution extremely quickly into our product."
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Edward Ashley
Red Monkey Software, United Kingdom
testimonial redmonkey
"Docmosis is the right solution, since it offers a rich set of templating functions for our users and a REST API for easy integration."
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Gappless, The Netherlands
testimonial gappless
"We evaluated a number of products and Docmosis came out in front in terms of price and features we needed."
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Thales, Australia
testimonial thales