Version 4 is a big step forward, hence the new major version number.
We are completing our testing and documentation updates and are scheduled to release in October 2015.
Expect a lot of really useful features, driven by valuable input from our customers.
With many additions at the core of our document generation engine, the new features will be rolled out across all three products.
Check out what’s new…
New Templating Features
Available across all three products…
The new template tags <<else>> and <<else_cs>> will provide else and else-if conditional processing of template content.
When combined with the new AND/OR/NOT operators available in the Expression Processing, this allows for rich conditional logic to be embedded in the template.
The version 4 engine will now incorporate a full suite of logic, math and string operators which allows calculations and formatting to be performed within the template.
This removes the need of pre-processing and pre-formatting data in code before passing it to Docmosis. Templates can be designed to use exisiting data structures and data formats.
For example:
- Simple math including precedence using brackets: <<{1+(2*3)}>>
- Boolean logic: <<cs_{showTable && hasImgData}>>
- Math functions: <<{round(max(val1,val2)/100,2)}>>
- String functions: <<{titleCase(firstName + ‘ ‘ + lastName)}>>
- Custom functions: map(gender, ‘M’, ‘Male’, ‘F’, ‘Female’, ‘Unspecified’)
- Operators for strings and numbers: +, = , !=, <, >, -, * and more.
Docmosis Java – Specific Updates
- No longer requires configuration files. Initialization and settings can be controlled completely from code.
- Support for Load Balancing of remote converters with third partly load balancers
- JSON Data provision performance improvements
Tornado – New Features
- Improvements to Dummy Data creation for complex templates
- Create Dummy Data in XML as well as JSON.
- Improvements to the user interface layout of the Tornado Console.
Docmosis Cloud – New Features
- New monitoring status on Docmosis web site and for customer-dashboard plugin
- Page count returned in render HTTP header
- Ability to ignore unknown render parameters to allow Mendix integration
- Improvements to user interface of the Cloud Console
We have released beta versions to some existing customers. If you would like to trial a beta of Version 4, please contact: