Docmosis has recently begun monitoring its Cloud document generation service using the third-party platform: Pingdom.
The results of the monitoring is publicly available and conducted in addition to the Docmosis in-house monitoring system.
Monitoring Results – Location
The new monitoring results page can be found at
Monitoring Results – Statistics
The monitoring began in Nov 2016 and in the future will give users visibility to the historical stability and reliability of the Cloud document generation software.
This means that users will be able to view historical reports such as this from December 2016:
DWS2 – USA-EAST – December 2016.
The Up Time statistics show the result of generating a document using the /render endpoint. The test is a deep test, which includes sending data to the render service and checking that the generated document that is returned contains the injected data.
The Response Time statistics show the time taken to generate a single page, including sending the data and receiving back the streamed document.
The monitoring is conducted using Pingdom, a third-party publicly accessible site and is conducted in addition to the in-house monitoring system developed by Docmosis.