
document generation java library

Add template-based document generation to custom Java applications.

docmosis java
  • Templates enable developers and non-developers to contribute changes to the layout, formatting and content of documents.
  • Deliver document changes faster than an all-code solution.
docmosis java

A Java Library with a Unique Architecture

Designed for high-performance with the ability to distribute processing load.

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By shifting document layout and formatting concerns from code to templates, the Java application now focuses on data provision and managing the underlying processes.

The Docmosis-Java API provides fine-grain control over:

  • Initialization – configuration settings and timing of startup.
  • Template Management – location and registration of templates.
  • Data Provision – data can include any combination of strings, images, lists, arrays of Java objects, Java object hierarchies, database query results and name/value key pairs.
  • Document Rendering – specify output formats and destination.

Explore the diagrams on the right to understand key Docmosis-Java concepts and components.

This unique approach allows Docmosis-Java to efficiently perform single transactional requests, or scale to meet large batch processing requirements.

docmosis tornado

Coding in Java, doesn’t necessarily mean using Docmosis-Java. Java developers, looking for a self-hosted option, should consider Tornado as an alternative. Tornado provides access to the Docmosis engine as a web service and is easy to integrate via a simple REST based API.

// Configuration and initialisation
Configuration config = new Configuration(licenseKey, site, path); SystemManager.initialise(config);

// Create a data provider and add some data
DataProviderBuilder dpb = new DataProviderBuilder();
dpb.add(“message”, “This Docmosis engine is working great!”)

// Specify template and output files and formats
File templateFile = new File(“myTemplate.docx”);
File outputFile = new File(“result.pdf”);

// Generate the document
DocumentProcessor.renderDoc(templateFile, outputFile, dpb.getDataProvider());

Getting Started

Add Docmosis to your application with 7 lines of code.

Start a free trial to receive a Docmosis-Java license key valid for 30 days.

The trial key can be used to run a single converter (D-100 equivalent) with options to trial higher powered editions or extend the trial on request.

  • Start with simple Code Samples to understand key concepts
  • Download and add the JAR file to your favorite IDE
  • Explore the Javadoc or the Java API online
  • Add Docmosis-Java to your application and provide template-based document generation to your business teams and end users

Follow the instructions on our Resources Website to help you get started.

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The Core

The Docmosis-Java JAR file contains all of the components needed to start and manage the engine.

Firstly, add the JAR file to your Java application. This is called the “Core”.

The Core gives the application complete control over all aspects of the engine (eg: initializaion, template management and rendering) via a Java API.